The Leys

The lovely Ley trio before they became a quartet….

Capturing family moments before a happy new addition is always a sweet occasion. And its even sweeter when they’re your cousins.

There were so many unknowns on this day, like when the sun would finally come out of the clouds, if cheeky little Hamish would sit still (answer is yes, but not for very long), and if this new happy addition would be a boy or girl and born before Easter, as per mum’s wishes (answer for the latter is an unequivocal no). Despite all these questions, the sun did shine and we made memories that we’ll fondly remember for years to come.

Also FYI, the best thing after a shoot is sharing BBQ chicken and chips from Springwood and catching up with the fam.

… And for those wondering, the new addition is a baby boy!


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